Be a Super Mom - Cloth Diaper with FuzziBunz diapers at Nurtured Family

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


First, let me start by saying that I LOVE my new Smartipants diaper! I will definitely be writing a review on it later today or tomorrow... so watch out for that!

This weekend, I headed to my hometown for some fun with a friend I met on my favorite
parenting website. We sadly did not get too much time together, but it was a great experience. My little boy loved her!

My trip, which was supposed to just be an afternoon/overnight, extended into a 3 day 2 night stay. Did I mention my hometown is a beach? =P The entire trip, Liam was in cloth diapers. I had no clue that I possessed enough diapers to accomodate this. But apparently I do - though I did wash (in a washer and dryer, that is a FIRST for me and my dipes!) overnight the last night.

My top moment: realizing that little bug had a wet diaper in the middle of the nice restaurant we were in, causing him to scream his head off. The torrential downpour outside coupled with the realization that the diaper bag was in the car put me in a bind. By some stroke of luck, I had a single prefold in my purse, and he had a cover on already. However, here are my confessions:

1. I have never used a prefold for anything other than stuffing a diaper or little gPant.
2. I own zero pins or snappis.
3. I do not know how to fold a prefold.
4. My poor baby....:

Little Bug ended up with a prefold shoved into the cover, sticking out everywhere and... oh man, it was just a mess. I thank my lucky stars that he didn't pee the whole rest of the time we were dining, because that was a disaster for sure.

I guess I should purchase some snappis and learn to master the art of the prefold. I have just been terrified of them, and have stuck with fitteds and All-in-Ones.

In diaper news:

The Rumparooz I ordered got switched with another order the same night. By some crazy stroke of luck, I received my friend's pink diaper and she received my Lil Monsters print. Just glad it wasn't a stranger or my adorable monster dipe would be lost. So I will hopefully be trying out this awesome-looking diaper and revewing in the next few weeks, once we have mailed these diapers out to each other.

Sewing is on a hold, I left my sewing machine at my "mother in law"s home a few weeks ago, hopefully I will get it back soon. My good friend over at Loving My Life as a Mommy and Wife, Madison, embellished some PFs and I'm jealous. I need to give it a try.

I will leave you with this adorable picture of Li-bug and my friend Nicolette on the beach:

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Links & Sponsors

This entry is a placeholder :)

The Winner Is...

Danielle with this comment:

danielle said...

follow your blog!

Looks like we are getting Rumparooz!!! Congratulations Danielle!

Monday, June 8, 2009

3 Hour Giveaway!

I'm looking to expand my collection of cloth diapers as well as my blog followers! So I'm going to host a giveaway, starting now (9:30 PM EST) and ending at 12:00 AM EST tonight.

You can win 1 of your favorite cloth diaper  ... Just recommend to me what diaper I should buy, and I will purchase one for myself and one for you! 

Here's how you enter:

Leave a comment on this entry telling me what cloth diaper you recommend that I buy. Include a link! And include your e-mail address in your comment so I can contact you.

For bonus entries, here's what you can do (leave a separate comment for each entry):

1) Become a follower of this blog.

2) Follow me on Twitter (@Lamere) and tweet this giveaway! Leave a comment with the permalink to your tweet.

3) Comment on any other entry in my blog and comment here with the title of that entry.

4) Put my button on your blog (you can grab the code to the left). Leave the URL to your blog.

The winner will be chosen by ... have fun!

You Knew It Was Coming!

I have another post full of giveaways on the way... I hope these links are helpful to a few people. These are some great giveaways!

For a chance to win a Happy Heiny's Pocket Diaper:
I've been wanting to try a Happy Heiny's for a while now... so I'm super excited about this giveaway in particular. Head over to Look What Mom Found and enter her giveaway. Want to learn more about this awesome diaper? Visit Itty Bitty Baby Bunz! Good luck :)

For 3 Fuzzibunz Diapers:
Go to this site... it's easy to enter, no re-blogging required (I do this out of the goodness of my heart... haha!)

For a Go BPA Free Advanced Eating Kit:
Those of you with older babies should be excited about this... simply go to A Giveaway Addicted Mommy's blog to enter to win this awesome kit from The Soft Landing.

For a Babybonkie Swaddle Blanket:
Visit Mudpies and Maryjane... Liam stopped liking to be swaddled at about 10 weeks, but for those with tiny babies (and not-so-tiny babies...) who need more of these awesome "lazy swaddlers", this is a good giveaway.

For an amazing diaper caddy:
Again, no reposting required but this is too cool... HRM Parent. It's something I really need :)

And coming soon... A giveaway of my own!! Keep checking in, it should be posted by tonight :)

Diaper Number 2...

Did I promise an update about that 2nd diaper? I'm afraid it doesn't merit one, but here goes...

I will add pictures later, but for right now, I just don't feel like it ;p

This one is a fitted diaper, the inside layer is fleece and the outside is a cotton pirate print. I sewed in a soaker pad (poorly) that I made out of a cut-up Gerber Prefold. 

I royally messed up one side of the elastic, so the two sides are extremely uneven... but it's okay! Since I'm still just practicing and trying to get the hang of sewing diapers myself, I'm okay with messing up a few. The good news is, when I did the second side of elastic in the leg gussett, it turned out nearly perfect! The stretchiness is great and it seems like it will fit him (I haven't tried it on him yet... no velcro...). I think I am going to just stop using fleece though! Or at least the fleece I have.. it just seems so bulky. Maybe I am just making them too small, though. I'll have to experiment and see. 
I accidentally left my sewing machine at my mother-in-law's house, though, so I haven't been able to put the velcro on yet.

I'm getting better at this... but -

Anyone have any tips for sewing a diaper?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

More Giveaways From Upstate ;)

So I am going to attempt Diaper # 2 today, so my blog will be more substantial than links to giveaways... but hey, what is more useful than constant linking to giveaways? I know I love to stumble across them!

This is, again, from one of my newfound favorite blogs... Our Life Upstate. She offers many ways to gain extra entries (have you guessed that this is one of them?), but there's no grueling hard work required, I promise.

This giveaway ends tomorrow, so this time I have given you a little more time than 20 minutes ;)

For a chance to win an Apple Cheeks Diaper System, head on over to Our Life Upstate. If you're super nice, you'll tell her who sent you ;p

Monday, June 1, 2009

I Am So Excited To Bring You...

Another Giveaway!

This one comes from Newly Wed, Newly Bred... a fantastic blog! I suggest you follow her blog and keep an eye out for future giveaways...

She is giving away all sorts of wonderful things from Bummis! Head on over to win!