Be a Super Mom - Cloth Diaper with FuzziBunz diapers at Nurtured Family

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Another Awesome Giveaway! Fuzzibunz!

Q: Interested in winning a one size diaper from Fuzzibunz

A: Of course you are!

This giveaway ends in 20 minutes... go check it out! Hurry hurry! It's on another mommy-blog that I really enjoy reading... Our Life Upstate!

Friday, May 29, 2009

bumGenius Deluxe Bamboo Fitted

Yesterday I received the BG bamboo fitted diaper. I was instantly in love - it's super soft, softer than my favorite fleece. 
I used a simple Kushies wrap over it. Liam is a frequent wetter so I changed him after two hours. There was not a single leak. The Kushies did its job as well.
I noticed that his skin was slightly wrinkled (like when you soak in a bathtub) so even though 2 hours isn't terribly long to go without a diaper change, I worry about his skin being next to moisture for that long. I love the diaper and I'm hoping that he was just a super soaker at that moment because I'd really like to use it without worrying about Liam's skin puckering.

You can purchase this diaper at Cotton Babies for 12.95... great deal :)

The fit was terrific, and I could tell my little guy was super comfortable in his new diaper. It was snug around the legs so I could breathe easy knowing that we were not going to end up with wet thighs!

The diaper seemed to have the perfect absorbency right where he needed it the most. I definitely would like to stock up on some more of these!

Liam in his BG!

And with the Kushies... :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Useful Link...

For a list of over 40 giveaways, go to Two Of A Kind.

A little update...

So, about that diaper I made yesterday...

It held up overnight! There was a small leak through to the cotton outer, but it didn't get Liam's clothes or the bed (we co-sleep, so thank heavens for that)... he is SUCH a heavy wetter at night, so this gives me a little hope if my deformed diaper holds up.

Someone had told me that the fleece would be an adequate waterproof barrier... should I have taken that advice, or was I wrong to make such a BULKY diaper (after the PF insert is put in.. I'll have to make a trimmer insert) because it would just require a cover? What do you all think?
I think since it performed so well at night, it would make a perfect day diaper with zero leaks probably...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I made my first cloth diaper today :)

Okay... the outside is blue checkered-type cotton, the inside is 2 layers of fleece with a pocket.

That's the outside... notice how the elastic is barely stretchy (I will do better next time! I promise!)

The inside.. you can see the pocket in the first one.

I should have gotten a picture of how HILARIOUS it looks around the pocket! Haha...

I figured what better way to teach myself how to sew than to jump right in?

I didn't put the other velcro tab on yet because I ran out of thread and (as you can tell from the pics) DS needed to nurse... sorry for the horrible pictures, my camera charger is MIA and so is my boyfriend's camera, so I had to web cam it...

More Giveaways!

Ready for more chances to win beautiful diapers or other products for your family?

For a chance to win the Simply Clean FUN Giveaway -
This includes detergent made by Jenny over at Jenny's Simply Clean. It is homemade, natural, and comes in about half a billion amazing sounding scents... including Birthday Cake! To enter, visit Monkeys on the Bed

To win (1) Baby Beehinds OS Fitted, (1) Thirsties Cover, and (12) Kissaluvs Wipes-
Visit The Cloth Diaper Whisperer for the current Fluff Friday giveaway!

For a chance to win any (1) item under $15 from Snugs Boutique:
Visit Emily's Latest! For more information, visit Snugs Boutique on the web. If only I wasn't over budget... they have snap presses for you DIY moms!

To win a KCK ONE cloth diaper!
Visit Monkey Toes Reviews & Giveaways. To learn more about this awesome WAHM-made diaper, visit Purple Ducks and Stuff!

To Win one of the NEW Rocky Mountain Diapers:
Visit Diaper Style! This diaper is the first RMD in print - Moovin' Lemon! It's an adorable cow print for your fluff butt :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Some Giveaways...

There are some awesome giveaways floating around out there right now!

Win THREE Fuzzibunz Cloth Diapers!
For a review of the Fuzzibun diapering system and details on the giveaway, visit Two of a Kind
For more information on Fuzzibunz, go to the Fuzzibunz website.

Win a FREE Applecheeks Cloth Diaper!
For a review on the Applecheeks cloth diapers, visit 
Two of a Kind.
For more information on Applecheeks diapers, visit Applecheeks.

Win TWO Wahmies One Size Diapers!
Follow Diapershops on Twitter.

Win one Gro Baby Diaper System Experience Kit!
Follow Diapershops on Twitter.

Win TWO Bumgenius Diapers:
Diapershops on Facebook and find the update that says to leave 2 sentences or less about why you CD.

Follow This Blog for a chance to win the following:
1-Baby Beehinds One Size Diaper (hemp or bamboo)
1-Thirsties Diaper Cover
12-Kissaluvs Premium Print Wipes
For a chance to win one of three SWIM DIAPERS:

FEED YOUR STASH FRIDAY Imse Vimse Swim Diaper Giveaway

Getting the Word out.

I know that my blog is new and has approximately... zero readers... but here's hoping that I get a few clicks from Twitter and a couple of you click the follow button over there on the left <---.

Came across 
this (that's right, click it) when strolling through various cloth diaper giveaways, and it made me glad that I started this already - now just to get the word out.

If you have a blog and focus your entries around cloth diapering, leave a link in the comments and I will link your blog in my sidebar.. .if you have a button, leave me the code!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Huggabuns Ultra Pocket with Hemp Insert

 Here's my Liam in his new cloth diaper. It's a  Huggabuns Ultra Pocket with Hemp Insert. I'd have to say, we used it once so far... but I really like it. The fleece lining is so soft I wanted to cuddle with it. Liam seemed to enjoy it too. I'll bet his bum was so comfortable in this diaper!

Here's my dumb secret that I just learned I was doing wrong today: As a complete noob to cloth diapers, I didn't realize that you have to wash inserts and prefolds several times before using in order to make them absorbant enough. 

So, I didn't wash the hemp insert, just stuck it in the pocket and put it on my little guy. A few hours later, I am utterly confused. In a disposable, Liam would have been wailing for a diaper change by now - he HATES being wet. So I take a chance and take the diaper off. The fleece seems dry... I open the pocket and sure enough, the hemp insert is soaked. It was still super absorbant though, even though I didn't wash it first.

The outer layer is amazing. When they say waterproof, they mean it. NO leaks.

I hand-wash my diapers and hang dry them, and both cover and insert dried super fast.

I am loving cloth diapers... and I definitely love the Huggabuns! I will have to buy a few more pairs once I get through my "test" phase.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My first sling!

I made my first pouch sling today. Nothing spectacular... just an old t-shirt I used to love and couldn't bear to part with by way of garbage...

There's Liam in the "Kangaroo" hold.

And in the "Cradle" hold!

Okay... so my secret is: The sling was a FLOP! Haha... the t-shirt I used was made of stretchy material. Not a good idea! i'll try again later.. I'm in the process of getting rid of lots of clothing I don't fit/wear anymore.

First Post!

I am a 20 year old mother making the plunge into the world of cloth diapering. I plan on using this blog to chronicle my frustrations and successes as I discover the right path for me and my now 4 month old son. 
He was born January 13, 2009... we started him off in gDiapers using the flushable inserts but I was having a very difficult time with breastfeeding and dealing with Post Partum Depression that I gave up. 
I now have him back in the gDiapers, using both flushies and prefolds as inserts. I'm slowly building a stash of different types of cloth diapers to test the waters. 

I plan on eventually making my own diapers and covers, so look out for video posts.

This blog isn't going to be exclusively cloth diapers though. My overall goal is to create a healthier, more natural and cost-efficient environment for my family and I. 

There will also be no lack of contests and giveaways, mostly other peoples' for now, and my own once I have something to.. give away :)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Contact Information

To get in touch with me, you can simply leave a comment on my most recent entry or:

Send me an e-mail at or through my Blogger account.

Follow me on Twitter (@Lamere).

If you would like me to review your product, please only contact me through e-mail.