Be a Super Mom - Cloth Diaper with FuzziBunz diapers at Nurtured Family

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm still here!

Hi everyone, I'm still here, just on a short hiatus!
I'll be back to fill everyone in on my progress with CDs. I have a review for SMARTIPANTS and RUMPAROOZ coming soon, I've tried them both.
Life is just crazy right now - I'm preparing for my first semester as a prenursing student and just trying to get my life and my house in order.

I hope everyone is doing well!

In order to start some discussion, leave me a comment with your favorite nighttime cloth diaper - we're still in disposables for night time and I need some suggestions on how to ease my fears and get started in cloth overnight.

So leave me:
Your favorite night diaper:
How long it lasts (do you have to change it in the middle of the night?):
If you'd like, include a link!


  1. Your favorite night diaper: Goodmamas with a wool cover

    How long it lasts (do you have to change it in the middle of the night?): DD STTN so no, we don't change it. The wool helps wick moisture away from her skin & lets the diaper air out so she never wakes up soaked.

    If you'd like, include a link!

  2. Great Smartipants review! We love ours, too

    Your favorite night diaper: Any pocket with SuperDo insert

    How long it lasts (do you have to change it in the middle of the night?): I have a heavy wetter, and he can't touch this insert. Love, love, love it. Never wet in the morning.

    If you'd like, include a link! Check it out here:

  3. Your favorite night diaper: bumGenius 3.0 one-size pocket with the one-size insert and the newborn as a doubler

    How long it lasts (do you have to change it in the middle of the night?): 12-13 hours if needed! He's slept that long before and been dry in the morning! :D
    If you'd like, include a link!

    Hope it helps! :D
