Here's my Liam in his new cloth diaper. It's a
Huggabuns Ultra Pocket with Hemp Insert. I'd have to say, we used it once so far... but I really like it. The fleece lining is so soft I wanted to cuddle with it. Liam seemed to enjoy it too. I'll bet his bum was so comfortable in this diaper!
Here's my dumb secret that I just learned I was doing wrong today: As a complete noob to cloth diapers, I didn't realize that you have to wash inserts and prefolds several times before using in order to make them absorbant enough.
So, I didn't wash the hemp insert, just stuck it in the pocket and put it on my little guy. A few hours later, I am utterly confused. In a disposable, Liam would have been wailing for a diaper change by now - he HATES being wet. So I take a chance and take the diaper off. The fleece seems dry... I open the pocket and sure enough, the hemp insert is soaked. It was still super absorbant though, even though I didn't wash it first.
The outer layer is amazing. When they say waterproof, they mean it. NO leaks.
I hand-wash my diapers and hang dry them, and both cover and insert dried super fast.
I am loving cloth diapers... and I definitely love the Huggabuns! I will have to buy a few more pairs once I get through my "test" phase.